Registration Renewal
Automated Renewal Form Instructions
In an effort to streamline the renewal process, the NC State Board of Environmental Health Specialist Examiners is pleased to announce a significant enhancement to the RSTAS computer system. We have developed the ability to log into your individual file, verify your personal information, update your continuing education credits, and print a filled-out renewal form. The form, once printed, requires only your signature and your payment check to renew. Hand-completion of the form is no longer necessary.
To use this feature, go to: to log into your file. Your userid is your registration number, and your password is the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Once logged in, click on the “Yes” button at the bottom of the page (beside “Do you wish to update this information”) to review and update your personal information. Once you have verified or corrected this information, click the “Update” button to save any changes.
The next step is to click on the “REHS Continuing Education” button in the left margin. To add a course to your file, click on the “Search Courses” button at the bottom of the page. The search engine allows a search by Course Number, Course Title, Course City, Course State, or Course Provider. The search engine will find all courses that fit the request (usually less information works better than more information). When multiple courses are displayed, click on the course title that you attended. This brings up all the information about the course. Please note that the maximum number of credit hours is set by the Board. If you did not attend the entire course, please enter the actual number of hours you were present for the course in the box beside “CE Hours”. Click “Submit” to add that course to your record.
Repeat this procedure until all of your courses have been entered.
Once all courses have been chosen, click on the “Generate Renewal Form” button in the left margin. If the total number of hours you have chosen is less than 15, RSTAS will not allow the automated form to be displayed. Once the form has been generated, print a copy, sign it, and send it with your check to the Board. You probably should print a second copy for your records or store a copy of the .pdf form on your computer for future use.
Revised 2/17/10