Lynn Lathan

Representing: Piedmont North Carolina

Ms. Lathan graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a BA in Business Administration and a BS in Biology, and has completed work toward an MA in Public Administration. She began her environmental health career in Mecklenburg County in 1985. She has been a supervisor in the Food and Facilities Sanitation Program since 1998, and serves as the program’s designated media spokesperson for foodservice and other issues.

Ms. Lathan is a member of NCPHA and serves as the Board’s Piedmont North Carolina representative.

Ms. Lathan is a member of the Board’s Education Committee.

Contact Information:

Lynn Lathan
Mecklenburg County Health Department
700 N. Tryon Street, Suite 208
Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone:    704-336-5507  Fax:  704-336-5306

Appointed:  7/12/2006
Term Expires:  December 15, 2013


last update : 09 Aug 2007