As a Registered Environmental Health Specialist or Registered Environmental Health Specialist Intern, I pledge:
- To practice my profession following recognized scientific principles with the full realization that the lives, health, and well being of people may depend upon my professional judgment and I pledge to protect the health and well being of the citizens of my community.
- To be qualified for my position in the field of public/environmental health, and to maintain an acceptable level of competence by continued study, observation, and personal investigation.
- To perform services only in the areas of my competence, and to properly represent my professional education, credentials, and experience.
- To act responsibly to uphold the integrity of my profession, to avoid conduct or practice that may appear to or in actual fact discredits my profession.
- To conduct myself in such a manner that the public is not deceived nor misled.
- To be ethically loyal, professional and impartial to all parties: governmental, industrial, institutional or public,
- To uphold and enforce the applicable laws, rules, and principles of public health to ensure equitable protection to the public.
- To promote the highest attainable standard of health without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, cultural background, economic or social condition.
*As adopted by the Environmental Health Section, NC Public Health Association (NCPHA), 9/30/2009 and amended 06/2010)