Posted new to the site are the 2012 budget and minutes of the 2012 meetings.
Click on the Meetings page tab above for the links.
by web manager
Posted new to the site are the 2012 budget and minutes of the 2012 meetings.
Click on the Meetings page tab above for the links.
by web manager
The next Board meeting is scheduled for December 4, 2012.
Please note that this is the last meeting for 2012.
This is a reminder to all course sponsors and participants that the deadline for submitting Continuing Education Course Approval Applications to be considered at that meeting is Monday, November 19, 2012. Please note that applications received after this date will not be reviewed until the next regular Board meeting which will be held after the beginning of 2013 (2013 Board meeting calendar not set at this time).
Submit all applications to (please make note of address):
NC State Board of EHS Examiners
PO Box 238
Efland, NC 27243
Email: rehs.board@dhhs.
Telephone: 910-608-0196
Fax: 910-816-0190
When submitting the form, be sure to complete all blanks and include the information specified on page 2 of the instructions. The Board prefers submittals be sent by email, but other methods such as fax and USPS mail are acceptable. It is your responsibility to verify that your application has been received. The preferred method to do this is via a different method other than your submittal method (in other words, if you mail or fax your application, follow up with an email or text asking if it has been received, or if you email your application, follow up with a quick telephone call or text message). In all correspondence, especially texting, please be sure to include your name and REHS#.
Other important points to remember:
· Continuing education approval requests may be submitted before the course is given.
· Sign-in sheets may be submitted to the Board after the course is complete.
· Documenting attendance at a course is the responsibility of the course sponsor.
Feel free to contact the Board should you have questions.
by web manager is getting an update. same great detailed content, just new wrapper with a touch of a modern web sites and mobile content. the site will be optimized for mobile phone browsing.
stay tuned….